What does a person with low metabolism look like? Tired, fatigued, overweight and lethargic. And with these symptoms, even if you go on a low calorie, low carb, low fat diet with or without exercising, you are still going to struggle at losing weight. If you feel like you can gain weight just by looking at food, chances are you have a slow, sluggish metabolism. When your metabolism is working the way it is suppose to work, you will experience a surge in your energy levels, any moodiness or depression will go away, and your sex drive will increase along with your overall motivation and passion for life! And you don't just feel better on the inside, you look better physically too! Your skin will radiant and your hair and nails will look healthier and even younger. Your entire immune system will improve and every aspect of your body and life will be rejuvenated and the actual span of your life extended.
If you are a person with a low metabolism you are probably hungry all the time. Not only are you hungry all the time, but also your hunger is so super intense that it causes you to eat way more food than you actually need. And you feel hunger more times a day than someone with a high metabolism. But what causes this?
The hypothalamus gland, the body's master gland, determines the rate and speed of our metabolism. This gland regulates physiological hunger and metabolism in people who are overweight because it doesn't operate how it is designed to. The reasons it is out of wack are plenty: stress, lack of water, lack of sun, lack of food additives, genetically modified food, heavy metal toxicity, allergies, yo-yo dieting, air conditioning, micro waved food, genetics, high fructose corn syrup, clogged colon, clogged liver, Candida overgrowth, non-prescription and prescription drugs, pop, artificial sweeteners, cosmetics and creams.
The main reason your metabolism is not working properly is because food manufacturers are purposely making food that causes you to constantly feel hungry. They use chemicals that are designed to trigger you hypothalamus gland by increasing your hunger when you eat. They also use food additives to make the food addictive. Food manufacturers are depending on your expanding waistline to make their wallets fatter. They create food with the sole purpose of making you physically addicted to their food. Food companies are in business to make a profit - that's it. A colleague of mine was telling me about his experience in chemists' labs where he sees how food companies are creating food that purposely lowers your metabolism, increases your hunger and makes you physically addicted (just like a drug) to their food, and keeps you gaining weight.
It is totally not you're fault that you are fat! Have you noticed how many kids have nut allergies? It's crazy! But it is only like this in North America - nowhere else in the world has nut allergies like we do. The reason is in the way we process them, it messes everything up. The same thing is happening with everyday foods like milk, butter, bread, pasta and cheese. These foods in North America are guaranteed to add pounds to your waistline, but these exact same foods in other countries do not (for now at least). How many fat French women have you seen? I've been to France; they eat all the good stuff and don't gain an ounce! It is all the man-made chemicals, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, genetically modified food, artificial sweeteners and growth hormones injected into our food that make and keep us fat.
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