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The oat plant is like a wheat plant only it contains a lot of fibre. Most oats are consumed as breakfast cereal and the rest are utilised as oat flour. Oat flour can be used in the same way as wheat flour. Additionally, it can be mixed with soy flour, corn flour or wheat flour to convert it to multi grain. Consuming whole grain diets is good for the body.

In case you are looking forward to reducing your weight, a wholesome oatmeal diet is a good option. Oats contain both soluble and insoluble fibres which keep the body's cholesterol and sugar levels balanced. This raises your energy for exercise program which burns your excess body fat.

The Oat Statics
Studies have shown that oats are effective in trimming down those extra tummy inches. They have a high content of fibre beta-glucan which is responsible for lowering cholesterol. When the soluble oat fibres take part in the digestion process, they convert themselves into gel forms which trap acids which contain cholesterol. So, instead of accumulating the fat, it is excreted through faeces. Moreover, oats have high tocotrienol levels which are helpful in inhibiting cholesterol synthesis.

Reducing cholesterol is not the only benefit of oats. They can also help regulate the blood sugar. The beta-glucan fibres slow down the digestion process, thereby prolonging the carbohydrate absorption into the main bloodstream. This prevents the carbohydrates from converting into sugar and getting stored in the body.

Regular Exercise Works Wonders
If you combine this oatmeal diet with an exercise regimen, it will work wonders. Exercising regularly speeds up weight loss. The oats help in this process by acting as pre-workout food. This is one of the sole reasons why oats are athletes' favourite food. They assist them in working out harder.

Oats help in reducing belly fat by regulating your bowel movements. This is essential for cleaning the guts and in avoiding bloating. Oats are high on density and low on calories. The best part about oats is that they help you in feeling fuller for longer durations of time. It curbs your needs for fat accumulating junk foods.

How to plan your typical oatmeal diet?
If you are wondering how to chalk your breakfast in a nutritional way, read on to find out how to acquire more from oats.

The oats consumed during breakfast are typically crushed oats, also known as rolled oats. It can be taken with milk or water, depending on your food preferences. It is advisable to consume it in a slightly raw form. This is because, the more rawness oats have, the more they are better for cutting down carbohydrates. Approximately three tablespoons of oats along with fruits and milk would be able to keep a person full till lunch.

The Oat Nutrition Chart
Calculating by statistics, oats are full of nutritional value.
100 grams of oats have:
  • 380 calories
  • 67 gram carbohydrates
  • 16 gram protein
  • 6 gram fat
  • 7 gram thiamine
  • 7 mg vitamin E
  • 4 mg iron
  • 474 mg phosphorous

How Does It Work?
Fibres take long to break down. Their breaking up also consumes a lot of energy from the body cells. Thus, when energy will be consumed, the fat will automatically burn. This will lower down your body's fat levels.

Thus, oats are a wholesome breakfast and a healthy diet for losing weight. All you need to do is include one cup of oats everyday to move up on your health cycle.

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